Welcome to 2024 WCKCM registration!

서부야영회 등록에 오신것을 환영합니다.

The English ministries (EM) Camp meeting this year begins on Sunday, July 28th. The Korean ministries (KM) Camp meeting this year begins on Monday, July 29th. Please ensure to set your arrival date as to the 28th for EM or 29th for KM.

이번년도 한국어권 야영회 시작 날짜는 월요일, 7월 29일부터 입니다. 등록하실때 반드시 도착날짜를 29일로 해주시기 바랍니다.
영어권 야영회는 7월 28일 일요일부터 시작합니다.

[젊은영성 7/28 일요일 등록시 안내]

1. 오후 6시부터 체크인이 시작됩니다.
2. 체크인 시, 온라인 등록 시에 받으시는 “Confirmation email” 내용을 “반드시” 보여주셔야 하오니 등록 하실 때 꼭 이메일을 확인하여 주시기 바랍니다.
3. 등록하신 방은 현장에서 변경이 불가하오니 등록하실 때 꼼꼼하게 살피시고 등록하여 주시기 바랍니다. 감사합니다.

EM Registration Questions & Change in Reservations, please write to: WCKCM Registration: wckcm.em@gmail.com
예약에 질문이 있으시거나 변경 사항이 있으신 분들은 예약 번호를 첨부하여 이곳으로 연락해 주십시요. 봉태균:taegyun704@gmail.com (224) 401-9313

WCKCM Guidelines 야영회 종합안내 및 당부사항

PUC Campus Rules PUC 대학 캠퍼스 규칙

1. No heat plates are allowed in dorm rooms.
1. 대학 숙소 내에서 전기불판을 사용하는 것이 금지되어 있습니다.

2. Pets are not allowed on campus or dorm rooms. There will be a $100 for the first incident, $1,000 fine for the second incident. Owners will be banned from campus. If pets are found inside dorm rooms, the fine will be $1,500 plus cleaning fees.
2. 애완동물은 절대 금지입니다. 학교 캠퍼스 실내 및 실외 어느 곳에서도 애완동물 발견 시 1차 벌금 $100, 2차 발견시에는 $1,000 벌금과동물 보호단체에 연락이 될 것이며 주인은 캠퍼스에서 추방됩니다. 방에서 발견 되면 $1,500의 벌금과 방청소비를 내야 합니다.

3. WCKCM Curfew : In your respective dorms by 11:00 PM and quiet time, please be in your respective rooms by midnight.
3. 밤 11시 이후에는 실내 및 실외 어느 곳에서도 정숙을 유지해야 합니다. 정숙 시간에 소음 공해를 일으키는 참가자들에게는 경고가 내려집니다.

4. Under no circumstances, weapons (knives, firearms, explosives, etc), fireworks, flammable chemicals are allowed on campus.
4. 어떠한 이유에서든 칼이나 총기류, 불꽃놀이, 폭발물, 인화성 화학물 반입 및 소지를 금지합니다.

5. Alcohol, tobacco, and/or drugs are not allowed on campus.
5. 술, 담배, 마약을 금지합니다.

Registration 등록

1. Once you arrive on campus, report to the WCKCM registration office at 1st floor of Graf Hall to pick up registration/program materials and room assignment.
1. 도착 즉시 그라프홀 등록처에서 등록확인과 함께 방 배정을 받으십시오.

2. Pay for any outstanding registration fees.
2. 등록비와 숙박비를 지불하셔야 등록이 완료됩니다.

3. Room keys will be available for pickup at the registration hall on the first day, and at the Graf Hall office on any other days. Bring cash. There will be $20 refundable deposit per key. Remember to get the deposits back when you return keys.
3. 열쇠는 등록 당일에는 등록실에서, 그 후에는 위닝홀 접수창구에서 받습니다. 열쇠 보증금은 $20입니다. 나중에 열쇠를 반납하실 때 꼭환불 받으십시오.

4. For Nichol Hall and McReynolds Hall, the locks open with number codes (no key deposits).
4. 니콜홀과 맥레이놀즈 홀은 열쇠가 아니라 코드 번호를 받습니다 (열쇠보증금이 없습니다).

Rooms 숙소

1. Check-in time is 4PM, and check-out time is 12 Noon.
1. 체크인은 오후 4시, 체크아웃은 오후 12시입니다.

2. No check-in(7/27) or check-out on Sabbath(8/3).
2. 안식일에는 체크아웃을 할 수 없습니다. 양해하시기 바랍니다.

3. Trash is to be emptied in the dumpsters or trash chutes located at the rear or side of each residence hall. A fine of $25 will be charged for each bag of trash that is left or dumped elsewhere.
3. 숙소의 쓰레기를 매일 정해진 수거장에 버리시기 바랍니다.

Meals 식사

1. Meals for the camp meeting can be paid for with the meal tickets bought during online registration. Additional meal tickets can be purchased $11 each at the WCKCM registration office (Graf Hall). Other food items at the cafeteria can be purchased with cash.
1. 식사는 식권 (패키지 식권 $11, 당일 식당서 구입 시는 $11)으로 지급하십시오. 주 메뉴 외의 음식은 추가로 현찰로 구입합니다.

2. Absolutely no cooking inside dorm rooms. If the smoke detector is activated, the fire department is notified automatically, and any costs associated with it will be charged.
2. 숙소에서 취사할 수 없습니다. 실내 취사로 혹 화재탐지기가 작동할 경우 소방차가 출동하며, 이에 따른 모든 비용은 당사자가 부담하게되니 유념하시기 바랍니다.

3. If you need to buy additional meal tickets for Sabbath, please buy before sundown Friday at the WCKCM registration office (Graf Hall).
3. 현찰로 식사하시는 경우 안식일 식사를 위해 금요일에 식권을 미리 사두시기 바랍니다.

General Guidelines 안전 질서  안내

1. For life-and-death emergencies, call 911. Any other incidences, report to the WCKCM registration office (Graf Hall).
1. 응급환자가 발생 시는 속히 등록실에 보고해 주십시오.

2. Lost-and-found at the WCKCM registration office (Graf Hall).
2. 습득물은 등록실에 맡겨주십시오.

3. For the duration of the camp meeting, no non-approved events, gatherings, vending, or soliciting are allowed.
3. 야영회의 공식적인 행사가 진행되는 동안에는 어떤 종류의 모임이나 회의, 선전 광고, 판매 및 모금행위를 할 수 없습니다.

Accommodation Guidelines 숙박비

1. If you leave early than what you registered for, there will be no discounts or refunds for leaving early.
1. 만일 같은 방의 숙박인 중에서 숙박 날짜가 다를 경우, 장기 숙박인을 중심으로 계산됩니다. (예, 남편이 3일간 머물고 부인이 6일일 경우, 6일분의 숙박료가 두 분에게 적용됩니다)

2. If anyone under 18 years of age is coming alone to campmeeting, they must stay with a supervising adult. An adult guardian is mandatory due to liability and safety.
2. 청소년은 혼자 야영회에 숙박 할수 없으며 돌보는 장년이 함께 있어야 합니다.

Room Assignment Guideline 방배정

1. Rooms will be assigned 14 days prior to the start of camp meeting, when PUC releases room allocations.
1. 방 배정은 PUC사정상 14일 전에 확정됩니다.

2. For Andre and Winning Hall, room assignment will be made 1 week prior to the start of camp meeting.
2. 특히 안드레와 위닝홀은 PUC사정상 1주일 전까지 방배정이 어렵습니다.

3. Male and female youth will not be assigned to same room unless they are staying with parent(s), even if they are siblings or relatives.
3. 남녀 청소년은 비록 친척 또는 남매라도 부모 없이는 한 방에 배정하지 않습니다.

4. Individual room assignment is prerogative of WCKCM host. Priorities will be given to handicap persons, elderly over 80 years old, and WCKCM speakers.
4. 방배정은 전적으로 주최측의 권한에 속하며, 신청인은 냉방의 유무 외에는 방을 선택할 수 없습니다. 주최측은 장애우, 80세 이상의 노약자, 강사들에게 우선적으로 방을 배정해야 합니다.

5. If you have special needs, please specify in the “Special Request” section during the online registration, or send an email to westcoastkoreancm@gmail.com.
5. 특별한 사정이나 요구사항이 있는 자는 등록 신청 시에 특별 사유를 적어 주십시오. (예, 다리 수술로 1층이 필요함)

6. Please note that due to unforeseeable circumstances, room assignments may be altered without prior notice.
6. 방배정을 받았다 할지라도 야영회 시작 전에 주최측 혹은 PUC의 사정에 의하여 다소 변경될 수도 있으니 이해해 주시기 바랍니다.

7. Meal tickets are not refundable (Cafeteria buys materials based on the tickets sold).
7. 식권은 환불되지 않습니다. 판매한 식권에 따라 미리 재료비와 식사 준비를 하기 때문입니다.

Online registrations/reservations Guideline 신청  예약

1. Registrations/reservations can be made by someone other than the attendee.
1. 신청은 본인이 아니더라도 가족이나 친지 또는 친구를 통해서 할 수 있습니다.

2. One person may register/reserve multiple rooms provided that each room is occupied by different people.
2. 한 사람이 여러 개의 방을 예약 및 지불할 수 있습니다. 단 각방의 숙박인이 다를 경우입니다.

3. Max occupancy is 4 people.
3. 한번에 등록할수 있는 사람의 숫자는 4명입니다.

If you have any question regarding EM registration, please contact: EM registration: wckcm.em@gmail.com
등록관련 문의: 봉태균 (224) 401-9313

서부야영회에서 뵙겠습니다.